Snickers, the good advertiser
Snickers is a compay that likes aproaching to the client with unconventional ways. While Coca Cola does something similar with feelings, Snickers tries to make their advertisements as "fun" as possible. This is visible with the different publicity campaings that the company has launched throughtout the world, planning unique campaings forevery country, with the purpose of making the announcement as close as possible to each country´s sense of humor.
Snickers is a company that reaches its publicitary goals by talking the least possible about the product itself, centering the attention on the situations where the product intervenes, as if the product had a positivity attribute. The omission over here is obviusly the nonexistant mentions to the product´s elaboartion and ingredients, which would likely be the greatest downside of the product for the general public. The way of fixing these would be launching a campaign about how the product is made, so people could be aware of what are they consuming, but, as we can imagine, that would damage the sales numbers, so these world where companies care more about having concious customers that just custumers, whose ideas about the product go from little to none, is not part of these reality.
Sánchez, the man of the people
Pedro Sánchez, the current prime minister of Spain, built his last campaing on the idea of political estability. Having united with Podemos, a now decaying but back then still visible extreme left party, and the numerous nationalist parties distributed through the spanish geography. He had explicitely said that the PSOE (Spanish socielist worker party, which is nowadays under his leadership) would never form a goverment with independentist parties, which have proved to be a huge lie. He said that Spain would have a goverment of change, a goverment for Spain, but everything ended up instead "Ahora sí", in "Ahora no". These could be changed if the politicians did not valued been in power at all costs above the people´s good, but we all know how humans work, and if the is still leading Spain after so many bad decisions (Giving away public funds for recluting votes, raising taxes to terrifying levels, putting Spain´s goverment unity on the hands of people agaisnt Spain, among many other lies and bad deeds), we can conclude that these is Sanchez´s fault, but of those who placed him there and still defend him, even to irrationality.
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