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As an introduction, I made the following flyer, which attempts to explain the two major types of pressure that are found within the minds of human beings.

Furthermore, I was also asked to answer the following questions:

1. What pressures are you under? I am under the pressure of getting good enough grades to guarantee my further education, with all of school´s demands; I am also under a constant social pressure, because I have to follow a series of social guidelines if I intend to live in society.

2. Is all pressure bad, or can some pressures be good? Some pressures, such as those caused by an incoming deadline, are good for getting things done and get the best of us. Some will never work if there is nothing to be afraid of.

3. In what ways are the pressures on you changing as you get older? The older I get, the more responsabilities I have, therefore the pressures I may be submitted by more pressures. Socialy speaking, every stage of a human´s life is conditioned to different social guidelines.

4. What are the most serious pressures you are feeling? My willings to get my non-scholar projects done.

5. Are most of the pressures you feel internal pressures or external pressures? What’s the difference? I suffer more from internal pressures because I tend to have an active judgement criteria for myself, so I am under constant self-criticism. The difference of this two would be that one is mainly caused by my surroindings while the second ignites in my interior and there is where it develops.

6. Can you think of a time when you felt like you were getting a lot of pressure from others, but it turned out that you were actually putting that pressure on yourself? Since 7th grade I tend to put a lot of pressure on myself for projects, but as previously said, I am aware that the main judge of my actions is myself; so any lately made project could count, but I am conscious about who is causing  the pressure factor.
